Planetary Processes

Do the patterns and processes at the scale of hillslopes (tens to hundreds of meters) matter to global change research, and if they do, how do we represent them in global models? By bringing together hydrology, Critical Zone and Earth System Modeling scientists, we can assess our state of knowledge and outline a path forward to improve predictions of terrestrial water and ecosystem dynamics under global change. (Water Resources Research)

NOW PUBLISHED Fan et al. [2019] Hillslope Hydrology in Global Change Research and Earth System Modeling (Water Resources Research)

Is it possible to develop a general theory for rainfall runoff? How rain falls on land and what happens to the water is a basic concern of hydrologists. However, since all processes are scale dependent, it’s difficult to make the generalizations required for a theory. A theory focused on storage excess could be the solution. (Water Resources Research)

How can physical scientists and social scientists work together to better understand the relationships between water and society? Trust, power relationships, social stratification, cultural beliefs, and cognitive biases strongly influence the way in which people influence, and adapt to, water resources. Novel approaches are required to better integrate qualitative and quantitative information from across disciplines. (Water Resources Research)