The challenges our global society faces cannot be solved if we don’t have a diverse and inclusive community of researchers ready to lead the way. That’s why a focus of AGU’s Centennial celebrations is cultivating the next generation of Earth and space scientists.
Inspiring future Earth and space scientists, not to mention teachers, policy makers, and others, is critically important to the future not just of science but also of society. Connecting with the next generation is a perfect way to celebrate AGU’s Centennial. Whether it’s hosting a family science event at your local elementary school or starting a mentoring program at your own institution, using Earth and space science to inspire students can be very fulfilling and the impact can be huge.
Many organizations have already created resources focused on K–12 students that could be useful to you in planning an event. To help you begin, we have started compiling a list of targeted resources. If you know of other useful resources that aren’t included in our list, please feel free to make suggestions by sending an email to [email protected].
We have also supplied a list of AGU resources and tools that can help you successfully communicate your science to these important audiences:
Get Involved in Science Education
Using Video to Talk About Science
Don’t Let Jargon Get in the Way of Your Message
Elevator Pitches: Dos and Don’ts